Convergence – Brief & Initial Idea

Now it’s the end of my skills workshop sessions I’ve been handed my first real Brief – Convergence.

The brief outlines the key aspects I need to cover, these being the skills learnt in the workshops. It sates that i must:

“produce a proof of concept PDF document that responds to one of the following themes:

  • Making simple music
  • The death of newspapers/books
  • Personal security
  • The Digital Doctor
  • Toy Hack

You are required to visualise your idea in some form, this can be a series of composited
images, and/or a proof of concept digital film, utilising the skills covered in the Motion
Graphics / Visual Effects workshops.

You are to consider the target audience (who it is for) in terms of both your concept’s end user and any text, style and presentation created for the PDF to pitch your concept as you have learnt during the Designing for the User workshops.”

So from this I feel this brief is similar to the one given during week 3&4 just incorporating the skills learnt. So my first idea for this task was to twist the way my previous idea worked to fit this brief. So I split it down to two categories so I didn’t fit both digital doctor and personal security as the brief states only one category can be chosen. Just as a refresher here is my first idea:

SmartHome –

Home system which analyses multiple aspects of your life..

e.g your core body temperature to determin what the house temp should be, security features if it recognise people the doors will automatically unlock and vice versa.
Monitors your movement and activities to predict what your going to do and assists (lean for the remote? the tv will turn on before you get to it, heading to the oven? It will start to pre-heat. Just walked in from work? the heating will be set to a default level and pre-designated ‘orders’ will kick in.
Scales / chopping boards all built into the sides, only become illuminated once you have food on the side ready to cut/chop (this could be anywhere on the sideboards).
So now here are the two section I cut the idea into:
  • Home Locking automatically
  • Log’s who has entered the building (although the doors only unlock for authorised people)
The Digital Doctor Aspects
  • Automatic home heating (on par with your core temp).
  • Monitors items in the fridge to visually show whats out of date or close to use by date.
  • Scales / chopping boards all built into the sides, only become illuminated once you have food on the side ready to cut/chop (this could be anywhere on the sides. To monitor your intake of a key diet.
  • Monitors food cooking in appliances so no cooking times, the system does it for you.

After looking at the aspects from both areas I chose to stick with my initial digital doctor without the personal security. Although the concept was virtually untouched, still using the upgraded motion sensors within a home. But with the added functionality of smart sideboards with holographic chopping boards which can weigh your food to allow the correct amounts of nutrients and fat for you to be healthy.


When it comes to researching my idea i found that existing products are available however they didn’t have the features i wished to include. below is the website which claim to provide the products to digitise your home.



To show how small and realistic the thermal sensors are below is an example i found online which can detect the heat of a candle flame from 2m away, just imagine it with the size of humans within the home.


M077927P01WL (1)

Devantech – TPA81 Thermopile array sensor @


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