1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2454735/The-disturbing-world-Deep-Web-contract-killers-drug-dealers-ply-trade-internet.html
So this section is majorly sensitive and well a serious aspect of where not to go on the internet. It possesses virtually anything you can think of. As illustrated within this article on the daily mail the deep web is a place where
“Hiring a hitman has never been easier. Nor has purchasing cocaine or heroin, nor even viewing horrific child pornography.”
“Such purchases are now so easy, in fact, that they can all be done from the comfort of one’s home at the click of a button… and there’s almost nothing the police can do about it.”
“This worrying development of the criminal black market is down entirely to the Deep Web – a seething matrix of encrypted websites – also known as Tor – that allows users to surf beneath the everyday internet with complete anonymity”
2. http://money.cnn.com/infographic/technology/what-is-the-deep-web/
This info-graphic excellently shows the shire mass of data hidden deep within the internet. Most of which we don’t access, more specifically the content we find via Google / Bing is only 1% of what is out their.

3. http://www.brightplanet.com/2014/03/clearing-confusion-deep-web-vs-dark-web/
This is to clear confusion on our ends between the dark web and the deep web.