Vision for the project

When creating a project I feel its important to address to yourself and any partners what your vision is. And the reason you want to do said project. With a set focus,  any task that faces you should be finished much more efficiently only resulting in a better end product.

With this in mind below i’m going to address my vision of what the product is aiming to accomplish and in what fashion:


  1. Expose vulnerabilities within the internet
  2. Show the basic information regarding modern day internet (Social media sites, Google etc.)
  3. Piracy data ( to try and show how much damage people are causing)
  4. The unknown side of the internet which is larger than the ‘internet’ people see daily. This being the ‘Deep Web’ which traditional browsers cant access. this side allows for almost anything to happen hit men, drugs, human trafficking, weapons dealing and much more.
  5. An overall explanation / exposure of what could go wrong and to educate both our target audiences.


  1. By producing an info graphic which is animated to get specific points across in a more entertaining matter. 
  2. The use of flat themed vectors as seen in the example at the bottom of this post.
  3. No voice over just the use of fitting theme music from royalty free sources.


Where could this project end up / what do I want from it?

Obviously once the animation is complete it would be submitted as part of the university course, however the area of which we have driven the product could lead to schools around the UK to help raise online awareness with the upcoming generation of teens and adults. From past experience schools don’t touch upon much internet safety. Sure they put up posters and tell you to not give out personal information but what about the rise in piracy and younger people getting caught out and made an example of.