As our aim is to educate the widest range of people we can reach we cant simply have a single specific audience therefore we’re going for both a primary and secondary audience. As seen within our proposal we have defined the two as the following:
Primary Audience: The younger generation of teens and above who have been brought up with this new technology but take it for granted. Not knowing what power they really hold online and the implications of online piracy. As this audience would be subjected to the realities of what they’re using on a daily basis. Secondary: The older generation of adults which grew up with the initial emergence of the Internet and had limited access until now. So they may not be as fluent with the use of Internet services and the rules in place to govern the activities which are legal and illegal. This audience would gain more of an insight into how the technology they saw developed into what it is now.
Although these do give an insight into our intentions I feel more of a description and reasoning needs to be given to full understand the outcome of the info graphic. We don’t intend to scare these audiences into not using the internet, rather make them aware of the issues they may be contributing to weather they realize this or not. With regards to the primary (younger) audience i feel this could reach more people simply because schools should be introducing internet safety within ICT classes to prepare the future generation of adults for what may develop.
With this in mind if successful we could approach schools with the final product and see if they’re interested in using it for a brighter more entertaining method of getting the key lessons / facts across without loosing the attention of the more younger and easily distracted.